The Plan

As the electric vehicle (EV) market continues to expand, FleetCarma sought to solidify its position as a thought leader in the industry by providing actionable insights into the geographical impacts on EV charging and driving behavior. This project focused on producing a comprehensive report titled “The Geography of EV Charging,” which aimed to influence EV investment strategies across Canada.

Note: This project completed as an employee of FleetCarma, not as KARTE Marketing.

The Core Challenge

FleetCarma faced the challenge of addressing the diverse and region-specific needs of EV drivers in Canada. The objective was to provide stakeholders with a deep understanding of how regional climates affect EV usage, thereby informing better investment and infrastructure decisions. The key goals were:

  • Educating Stakeholders: Provide valuable insights into the impact of temperature and climate on EV performance and charging behavior.
  • Guiding Investments: Help decision-makers allocate resources effectively to optimize EV charging infrastructure based on regional needs.
  • Positioning FleetCarma as a Thought Leader: Establish the company as an authoritative source of knowledge in the EV industry.

Services Provided

The project involved extensive research, data analysis, and content creation, culminating in a detailed report. Key services included:

  • Data Analysis: Utilizing FleetCarma’s extensive EV data set to derive meaningful insights about regional charging patterns and behaviors.
  • Content Creation: Writing and designing a comprehensive report that conveyed complex data in an accessible and engaging manner.
  • Thought Leadership: Developing key messages and strategic recommendations to influence EV investment decisions.

Strategic Approach

To achieve the project goals, our approach focused on several critical areas:

  • In-Depth Research: Conducting thorough research and analysis of EV data to understand the impact of regional climates on driving and charging behaviors.
  • Clear Communication: Presenting data in a clear, concise manner, making it accessible to a wide range of stakeholders, including policymakers, utility companies, and EV infrastructure investors.
  • Actionable Insights: Providing practical recommendations based on data analysis to guide investment strategies.

Implementation Details

  • Research and Data Analysis: We began by analyzing the world’s largest EV data set, focusing on various factors such as temperature, climate, driving distances, and charging patterns.
  • Content Creation: The report was structured to provide a logical flow of information, starting with the importance of temperature in managing EV charging load and moving through detailed analyses of driving distances, energy consumption, and charging preferences.
  • Design and Presentation: We designed the report to be visually appealing and easy to navigate. Infographics and charts were used extensively to illustrate key points and make the data more engaging.

The Project


The report, “The Geography of EV Charging,” was well-received and had a significant impact on the EV investment landscape in Canada. Key outcomes included:

  • Informed Investment Decisions: Stakeholders used the insights and recommendations to make data-driven decisions about where to allocate resources for EV infrastructure.
  • Enhanced Understanding: The report provided a deeper understanding of how regional factors influence EV usage, helping utility companies and policymakers plan more effectively.
  • Thought Leadership: FleetCarma established itself as a thought leader in the EV industry, recognized for its comprehensive and insightful analysis.


The “Geography of EV Charging” project highlights the importance of data-driven insights in shaping investment strategies. By providing clear, actionable information, FleetCarma successfully influenced EV infrastructure decisions across Canada, reinforcing its position as a leader in the EV market. This case study underscores the value of thought leadership and comprehensive research in driving industry advancements and supporting sustainable growth.